what do you say - being called the wrong name

My name is Benita. Not Bonita, Bernita, Brenda, Belinda, Bettina, Breanna or Barbara……BUT…..those are the names that I have been called my entire life. I don’t know if people don’t listen or they just hear what is familiar to them. I say ‘Benita’, they call me ‘Bonita.’ I sign emails or letters ‘Benita’…. I get replies to ‘Bonita.’

The problem is - I never correct them. I don’t want to embarrass them or make them feel uncomfortable. It is awkward for me to set them right, so I say nothing.

What about people who feel entitled to give you nicknames? My son’s name is Alexander. He is called Alex all the time. You introduce yourself as Debra…they call you Debbie.

What do you say to politely tell someone they have called you the wrong name?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well when I am not being called "Donna do you wanna"...that is a whole other blog segment

I get called Brenda ALL the time..clients call me Brenda...strangers call me Brenda..an old co-worker used to call me Brenda as a pet-name...what makes this story bizarre... none of these people know that my MOTHER'S name is Brenda....add to that, my boss's wife's name is Brenda....

so I guess I have one of those's faces that SHOULD have been called Brenda...

so my reply when I am called Brenda...I tell them my ironic story...